Reading the Times in California

In which I read the New York Times by myself on the west coast, and react to the news.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

An unusual race

I started reading this article because its protagonist was simultaneously running for Congress and calling Bush a "chicken hawk." Heh. But upon further examination, it appears that both candidates for this office are a bit
unusual. To wit:

  • The Democratic candidate, Paul L. Hackett, is a Marine, a veteran of Iraq, is calling Bush names for not having served in Vietnam, and is "harshly critic[cal of] the decision to invade

  • The Republican candidate, Jean Schmidt (I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW WOMEN CAN BE REPUBLICANS!), has completed 54 marathons. Holy shit.

That is all. Just, these ain't your run-of-the-mill politicians.


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