Reading the Times in California

In which I read the New York Times by myself on the west coast, and react to the news.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Friday, April 29, 2005

The White House v. Network TV

Isn't it the media's job to cover, let alone commentate, newsworthy events? I guess that only holds true if they don't conflict with high-ratings programming. Wow. Turns out that this is the fourth prime-time news conference Bush has held -- and the implication is, ever, not just in the 99 days of his second term -- and, instead of rejoicing that he's finally deigning to address not only the gritty details of his moribund Social Security plan, but to do it at a time when Americans would be willing to listen, networks grumble that he'll preƫmpt their high-ratings programming. Yo, what is wrong with this country?


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