Reading the Times in California

In which I read the New York Times by myself on the west coast, and react to the news.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Thursday, April 28, 2005

"The decision ... should rest with the parents."

I know I haven't been following the news closely enough when I read a bill has passed that I didn't even know was coming up for a vote. Specifically, yesterday's House bill tightening parental rule for abortions.

First, the facts. It will now be a federal crime "for any adult to transport an under-age girl across state lines to have an abortion without the consent of her parents," with penalties up to $100,000 and a year in jail. Ignoring for the sake of brevity how false the supporters' claims that this measure is "pro-family" are, let me just focus the word "parent."

Forgive me if I find the wording in this whole story ironically ambiguous:

Supporters characterize the measure as pro-family, saying it will prevent abusive boyfriends and others from taking vulnerable young women across state lines to receive "secret abortions" against their will. They say that the decision to have an abortion should rest solely with the parents.
[Emph. added]

I believe that, too -- that the decision to abort a fetus should rest with the people who conceived it -- that is, the parents.



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