Reading the Times in California

In which I read the New York Times by myself on the west coast, and react to the news.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Monday, March 14, 2005

What century do I live in, again?

It's stuff like this that makes me want to learn how to projectile vomit:

The Borgata [Casino] ... recently put all of its bartenders and waitresses, called Borgata Babes, on a scale, and warned them that if they gained more than 10 percent of their weight, they would be suspended without pay for 90 days while they tried to lose it.

Absent a valid medical reason, if they had not lost the extra pounds after the suspension, they would be fired.

A "vaild medical reason"?! How about psychological trauma, or anorexia?

I'm not sure I can say anything coherent about this, except for reiterating that it makes me want to puke. This is exactly the kind of shit a certain unnamed Midwestern Lutheran university pulled when they trumped up charges to fire a gay secretary my mother had hired, apparently not thinking that the "do-unto-others" dictum of their religion might actually apply. The Borgata is claiming immunity from discrimination suits, as did C----- University, on the grounds that they're hiring performers (c.f. C's claim that they're an independent religious institution, and therefore exempt). At least they're being sued (but note that the lawsuit said unnamed secretary brought against above unnamed institution failed).

What makes me sicker is that it's generating positive publicity for this place:

"When you measure the benefit that results from this enormous amount of publicity you can't quantify it, because frankly, it can't be bought," said Michael Pollock, head of the Pollock Gaming Resource Group, industry consultants. "Because the person who is going to be attracted to the upscale, sexy image that a Borgata is trying to create is going to look at this controversy in a very different light than someone who is offended by it."

So it's win-win for them, even if they lose.



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